RS6 RS7 Audi 4.0T Engine 079145703R, 079145704R, 079145703S, 079145704S, 079145703K, 079145704K, 079145721B RS7 Super Core / Super CHRA.
OTS RS7 Super CHRA has been recognized in the market for over 8 years, quality is guaranteed .
Audi A8, S8, RS6, RS7 are gasoline cars, the balance of their turbocharger cartridges / CHRA is super important. Our matching tolerance clearances of each part are very strict, the balance of our CHRA can be controlled within 0.04mg, so there is very small balance trace or even no trace on our chra shaft.
We also give correct install instruction to avoid problem caused by the defect of Audi A8, RS7, RS7, S7 series engine.
Turbo Model: JH5IT
Turbo Part No.: 079145721A, 079145721B, 079145703S, 079145704S, 079145703K, 079145704K, 079145703R, 079145704R
Application: Audi RS7, Audi RS6
Bearing type: Journal bearing